Learning Calendar

Open enrolment

  • Free

    FreeCentering Black Youth Wellbeing Certificate

    This online certificate provides the Ontario youth sector with the foundational knowledge to cultivate practices, policies and alliances that challenge, disrupt and combat systematic anti-Black racism.

    (Also Available in French/Disponible en Français)
  • Free

    FreeCannabis and Youth: A Certificate for Youth Workers

    This online certificate provides Ontario youth workers with evidence-based information on the health, social and legal risks associated with cannabis use so they can support informed decision-making, educate and increase awareness among young people.

    (Also Available in French/Disponible en Français)
  • Free

    FreeProgram Evaluation for Youth Wellbeing

    The Program Evaluation for Youth Wellbeing certificate provides the Ontario youth sector with a foundational understanding of the main concepts, approaches and practices relevant to conducting an evaluation of a youth program, and use the findings to improve their programs and share their impact.
  • Free

    FreeUsing Spreadsheets in Program Evaluation

    The Using Spreadsheets in Program Evaluation certificate provides the Ontario youth sector with an understanding of how to use spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel to collect and analyze program data in an evaluation and communicate data findings with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Free

    FreeWorkshop: Trauma-Informed Youth Work

    How can we re-imagine our work with young people and their communities from a trauma-informed approach that only focuses on individual harm and injury to a healing-centered practice that fosters possibility and advances collective wellbeing?
  • Free

    FreeWorkshop: Engaging Black Youth and Their Families

    This workshop explores how to facilitate equitable spaces for Black youth that supports their authentic participation and advocacy; shares strategies for allying with Black youth and their families; and provides an understanding of parenting within the context of historical trauma.
  • Free

    FreeWorkshop: The Personal and Professional Contexts of Youth Work

    The lectures in this workshop unpack what “youth work” means personally and professionally and take up the question: what does “youth work” mean in terms of our professional practices and obligations?
  • Free

    FreeWorkshop: Youth and Violence

    This workshop explores what violence and youth justice mean for young people that are susceptible and implicated in violence. It also explores the broader social context and complexities of violence in the lives of young people.

  • Free

    FreeWorkshop: The Stages of Change Framework

    This workshop provides youth workers with an understanding of how to support youth to make difficult but necessary changes in their lives using the Stages of Change Framework. The workshop also includes lectures on Motivational Interviewing and how to combine this with the Stages of Change Framework.
  • Free

    FreeWorkshop: Anti-Oppressive Practice

    This workshop explores the transformative potential of Anti-Oppressive Practice frameworks for working with youth. It includes lectures on anti-Black racism, Indigenous perspectives, Islamophobia and youth, and supporting LGBTQ+ youth.

Cannabis and Mental Health

YouthREX is excited to share Cannabis and Mental Health with the Ontario youth sector, in partnership with Cannabis & Psychosis and its parent organization, the Schizophrenia Society of Canada.

Cannabis and Mental Health is a comprehensive suite of online resources exploring a range of issues surrounding the mental health impacts of cannabis, at the individual, community, and societal level. Register for this free 90-minute course created by youth, for youth.

Brain Story Certification

YouthREX is excited to offer the Brain Story Certification to the Ontario youth sector in partnership with the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative and its parent organization, the Palix Foundation.

This is a self-guided, online professional development certificate for those seeking a deeper understanding of brain development and its consequences for lifelong health. This certificate is available in French and English.

Get in Touch

Book a 1-on-1 call with a member of our team to discuss any of our free customized services for youth programs in Ontario