Module Overview

    1. Module Overview

    1. 5.1: Transtheoretical Model: Part One

    2. Quiz 5.1

    3. 5.2: Transtheoretical Model: Part Two

    4. Quiz 5.2

    5. 5.3: Transtheoretical Model Application: Using a Stages of Change Approach with Youth

    6. Quiz 5.3

    7. 5.4: Motivational Interviewing: The Foundational Tenets

    8. Quiz 5.4

    9. 5.5: Motivational Interviewing in Youth Work

    10. Quiz 5.5

    11. Learn More

    1. Module 5 Feedback

    1. Join the Conversation

About this course

  • Free
  • 14 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

"The material you have put together is presented in a very pleasing and user-friendly manner. The content is exceptional and free from bias. I was skeptical about how content would be presented in this area, as I often hear “alarmist” stats and very one-sided – this material seemed unbiased and accurate."

- Cannabis and Youth Certificate Participant